莱纳斯·鲍林(Linus Pauling)美国科学家
莱纳斯·鲍林(Linus Pauling)美国科学家

莱纳斯·鲍林Linus Pauling)的全书莱纳斯·鲍林Linus Carl Pauling)(生于1901年2月28日,美国俄勒冈州波特兰,1994年8月19日去世,死于加利福尼亚州大苏尔),美国理论物理化学家,成为唯一获得两次诺贝尔奖的人。他因研究化学键的性质及其在阐明分子结构中的用途而获得一等奖(1954年)。第二名(1962年)承认他为禁止核武器试验所做的努力。


鲍林是三个孩子中的第一个,也是药剂师赫尔曼·鲍林和药剂师女儿露西·伊莎贝尔(达林)鲍林的独生儿子。在俄勒冈州的Condon和波特兰接受早期教育后,他就读于俄勒冈农业大学(现为俄勒冈州立大学),在那里遇到了Ava Helen Miller,后者后来成为他的妻子,并在那里获得了化学工程专业的理学学士学位。他于1922年以优异的成绩毕业。随后,他进入了加州理工学院(Caltech),在那里Roscoe G. Dickinson向他展示了如何使用X射线确定晶体的结构。他获得了博士学位。在1925年发表了一篇关于他的晶体结构论文的论文。在短暂担任国家研究研究员之后,他获得了古根海姆研究金,以研究欧洲的量子力学。他在德国慕尼黑的Arnold Sommerfeld的理论物理研究所度过了18个月的大部分时间。


在完成了博士后研究之后,鲍林于1927年回到加州理工学院。在那里,他开始了漫长的教学和研究生涯。分析化学结构成为他科学工作的中心主题。通过使用X射线衍射技术,他确定了几种重要的硅酸盐和硫化物矿物中原子的三维排列。1930年,鲍林(Pau​​ling Pauling)到德国旅行时,了解了电子衍射,回到加利福尼亚后,他使用了这种从分子核中散射电子的技术来确定某些重要物质的结构。这种结构知识帮助他制定了电负性标度,在其中他分配了一个数字,该数字代表特定原子在共价键中吸引电子的能力。

To complement the experimental tool that X-ray analysis provided for exploring molecular structure, Pauling turned to quantum mechanics as a theoretical tool. For example, he used quantum mechanics to determine the equivalent strength in each of the four bonds surrounding the carbon atom. He developed a valence bond theory in which he proposed that a molecule could be described by an intermediate structure that was a resonance combination (or hybrid) of other structures. His book The Nature of the Chemical Bond, and the Structure of Molecules and Crystals (1939) provided a unified summary of his vision of structural chemistry.

The arrival of the geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan at Caltech in the late 1920s stimulated Pauling’s interest in biological molecules, and by the mid-1930s he was performing successful magnetic studies on the protein hemoglobin. He developed further interests in protein and, together with biochemist Alfred Mirsky, Pauling published a paper in 1936 on general protein structure. In this work the authors explained that protein molecules naturally coiled into specific configurations but became “denatured” (uncoiled) and assumed some random form once certain weak bonds were broken.

On one of his trips to visit Mirsky in New York, Pauling met Karl Landsteiner, the discoverer of blood types, who became his guide into the field of immunochemistry. Pauling was fascinated by the specificity of antibody-antigen reactions, and he later developed a theory that accounted for this specificity through a unique folding of the antibody’s polypeptide chain. World War II interrupted this theoretical work, and Pauling’s focus shifted to more practical problems, including the preparation of an artificial substitute for blood serum useful to wounded soldiers and an oxygen detector useful in submarines and airplanes. J. Robert Oppenheimer asked Pauling to head the chemistry section of the Manhattan Project, but his suffering from glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomerular region of the kidney) prevented him from accepting this offer. For his outstanding services during the war, Pauling was later awarded the Presidential Medal for Merit.

While collaborating on a report about postwar American science, Pauling became interested in the study of sickle-cell anemia. He perceived that the sickling of cells noted in this disease might be caused by a genetic mutation in the globin portion of the blood cell’s hemoglobin. In 1949 he and his coworkers published a paper identifying the particular defect in hemoglobin’s structure that was responsible for sickle-cell anemia, which thereby made this disorder the first “molecular disease” to be discovered. At that time, Pauling’s article on the periodic law appeared in the 14th edition of Encyclopædia.

While serving as a visiting professor at the University of Oxford in 1948, Pauling returned to a problem that had intrigued him in the late 1930s—the three-dimensional structure of proteins. By folding a paper on which he had drawn a chain of linked amino acids, he discovered a cylindrical coil-like configuration, later called the alpha helix. The most significant aspect of Pauling’s structure was its determination of the number of amino acids per turn of the helix. During this same period he became interested in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and early in 1953 he and protein crystallographer Robert Corey published their version of DNA’s structure, three strands twisted around each other in ropelike fashion. Shortly thereafter James Watson and Francis Crick published DNA’s correct structure, a double helix. Pauling’s efforts to modify his postulated structure had been hampered by poor X-ray photographs of DNA and by his lack of understanding of this molecule’s wet and dry forms. In 1952 he failed to visit Rosalind Franklin, working in Maurice Wilkins’s laboratory at King’s College, London, and consequently did not see her X-ray pictures of DNA. Frankin’s pictures proved to be the linchpin in allowing Watson and Crick to elucidate the actual structure. Nevertheless, Pauling was awarded the 1954 Nobel Prize for Chemistry “for his research into the nature of the chemical bond and its application to the elucidation of the structure of complex substances.”