


睡莲属构成了适当的睡莲或睡莲,共有46种。北美常见的白睡莲或池塘百合是睡莲。欧洲白睡莲是白花猪笼草。幼时和大香时,两个物种的叶子都带红色。白叶猪笼草的叶片有一个深而狭窄的缺口。睡莲的其他种类有粉红色,黄色,红色或蓝色的花;许多是杂种起源的。古代埃及艺术的莲花通常是蓝莲花(N. caerulea)。埃及莲花N.莲花有齿状的叶子和长茎,长出水面,以支撑在晚上盛开的白花,一直开放到中午。

The genus Nuphar, with about 10 species distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, includes the common yellow water lily, cow lily, or spatterdock (Nuphar advena) of eastern North America. The yellow water lily has submerged leaves that are thin and translucent and leathery floating leaves.

The largest water lilies are those of the tropical South American genus Victoria, comprising two species of giant water lilies. The leaf margins of both the Amazon, or royal, water lily (V. amazonica, formerly V. regia) and the Santa Cruz water lily (V. cruziana) have upturned edges, giving each thickly veined leaf the appearance of a large, shallow pan 60 to 180 cm (about 2 to 6 feet) across and accounting for its common name, water platter. The fragrant flowers of Victoria have 50 or more petals and are 18 to 46 cm (about 7 to 18 inches) wide. They open white toward evening and shade to pink or reddish two days later before they wither, to be replaced by a large berrylike fruit.

Water lilies provide food for fish and wildlife but sometimes cause drainage problems because of their rapid growth. Many varieties have been developed for ornamental use in garden pools and conservatories. Two aquatic families related to the water lilies are the water shields and the fanworts, making up the family Cabombaceae. Nymphaeaceae and Cabombaceae are members of the water lily order, Nymphaeales.