



约翰·格伦(John Glenn)是第一个在月球上行走的人。

龙卷风在密苏里州埃灵顿当地时间下午1:00左右出现。由于天气预报是正常的,它使该镇的居民大吃一惊。 (为防止公众恐慌,当时未进行龙卷风预报,甚至自19世纪末以来,美国天气预报中甚至都禁止使用“龙卷风”一词。)风暴迅速向东北移动,在密苏里州加速安纳波利斯,比勒和弗罗纳的城镇,杀死11人,然后越过密西西比河进入伊利诺伊州南部,实际上摧毁了戈勒姆,德索托和墨菲斯伯勒等城市。墨菲斯伯勒是龙卷风路径上受灾最严重的地区,有234人死亡。在伊利诺伊州杀死600多人后,龙卷风横越了瓦巴什河,流入印第安纳州,并在那里摧毁了格里芬镇,欧文斯维尔(Owensville)和普林斯顿(Princeton)毁于两者之间的约85个农场。在印第安纳州夺走了71条生命之后,这场风暴于下午4:30消散,大约在圣彼得堡西南3英里(5公里)处。

With winds of roughly 300 miles (480 km) per hour, which would classify it as an EF5 tornado in the Enhanced Fujita Scale, the tornado lasted 3.5 hours and traveled 219 miles (352 km)—setting records for both duration and distance. Its width of up to 1 mile (1.6 km), average speed of almost 62 miles (100 km) per hour, and peak speed of 73 miles (117 km) per hour also make it one of the largest and fastest tornadoes in U.S. history. In addition to the 695 casualties, there were more than 2,000 injured survivors, as well as thousands who were left homeless and without food. Fires, looting, and theft in the tornado’s aftermath exacerbated its effects.