
斯旺西,威尔士· 阿伯塔威市,斯旺西县,格拉摩根(Morgannwg)历史悠久的县,西南威尔士。它位于Tawe河口的布里斯托尔海峡。斯旺西是威尔士的第二大城市(仅次于卡迪夫)。




在12世纪初期,诺曼·亨利·德纽堡(Norman Henry de Newburgh)在此建造了一座城堡,后来被威尔士叛乱者Owain GlynDŵr摧毁。直到18世纪初期,斯旺西还是一个小集镇和一个煤炭港口。此后,它作为工业中心稳步发展。 1717年后,当地的煤炭露头用于进口铜的冶炼,该行业蓬勃发展,到19世纪中叶,斯旺西的金属交易所成为世界铜贸易的中心。铜行业随后的崩溃主要是由于外国竞争。斯旺西还繁荣昌盛,成为南威尔士西部煤田无烟煤矿的港口。 1798年沿斯旺西山谷修建的运河和19世纪修建的铁路将斯旺西的港口与煤田连接起来,1852年后建造的新码头增加了港口的容量。斯旺西的煤炭出口在1913年左右达到峰值,但到1980年代实际上已经停止。斯旺西及周边地区开发了其他有色金属的生产,包括铅,锌,镍,尤其是马口铁的生产,但这些行业在20世纪急剧下降。

Aluminum production and metal fabrication developed after World War II. Other late 20th-century additions to the city’s industrial structure include the manufacture of automotive components, engineering products, plastics, and packaging. An oil refinery at Llandarcy on the eastern edge of Swansea processes oil that arrives through a pipeline from Milford Haven, and it supplies a petrochemical plant at Baglan, near Neath. Swansea is now the chief shopping and service centre for southwestern Wales. It has a university college with a special reputation in engineering and metallurgy. The Royal Institution of South Wales (1835) has a museum displaying the archaeology and natural history of the area. The Glynn Vivian Art Gallery was opened in 1911, and in 1934 a new guildhall was erected, notable for 16 panels painted by Frank Brangwyn and originally intended to decorate the British House of Lords.

The town centre was almost totally destroyed by German bombing in 1941 during World War II but has been redeveloped, as have former industrial districts along the River Tawe. The old parish church of St. Mary was rebuilt in 1959 after being destroyed in the war. Swansea has a tourist trade based upon the extensive beaches of Swansea Bay and the attractive Gower (peninsula) coast to the west. Swansea is served by the daily South Wales Evening Post and the monthly magazine Swansea Life, as well as by several local radio stations and by regional and national stations. The poet Dylan Thomas was born there and celebrated the region in his work. Pop. (2001) city, 169,880; urban agglom., 380,950; (2011) city, 179,485; urban agglom., 405,947.