
乔治亚州南部,南大西洋的一片贫瘠的荒岛,距福克兰群岛(Islas Malvinas)东南部800英里(1,300公里)。它是英国南乔治亚和南桑威奇群岛的海外领土的一部分,尽管阿根廷也拥有该领土。




乔治亚州南部地区面积为1,450平方英里(3,756平方公里)。它长100英里(160公里),宽20英里(32公里),升至佩吉特山(9,625英尺[2,934米])。岛上凄凉的南极气候,永久性积雪覆盖了岛的四分之三,仅支持顽强的草和其他苔原植物。驯鹿是在1900年后不久引进的,并一直存活下来。海洋生物丰富,近海,企鹅和海豹种类繁多。 1965年该地区停止了捕鲸活动,但商用渔船仍在该岛的领海中捕捞巴塔哥尼亚牙鱼,冰鱼和南极磷虾。少数科学家和支持人员在爱德华国王角(King Edward Point)的格里特维肯(Grytviken)和该岛西北端的伯德岛(Bird Island)维护着英国南极测量站,并构成该岛唯一的居民。

Capt. James Cook visited and claimed South Georgia for Britain in 1775. It subsequently was made a dependency of the Falkland Islands. The island periodically served as a base for whaling and scientific expeditions during the 19th century, and Norwegian whalers founded a commercial outpost at Grytviken in 1904. Great Britain formally annexed South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in 1908. The British explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton first crossed South Georgia Island in 1916 while in search of aid for his ill-fated trans-Antarctic expedition. He later died on the island and was buried at Grytviken. Argentina made a territorial claim to South Georgia in 1927.

Britain began establishing research stations on the island in 1945, but it was not until 1964–65 that further explorations of the island’s interior were made, including the first ascent of Mount Paget. The island was the site of military occupation as part of Argentina’s unsuccessful attempt to annex the Falkland Islands and their dependencies during the Falkland Islands War in 1982. A British garrison was established on the island after the war but was decommissioned in 2001. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands became a British overseas territory in 1985. A commissioner, who is also the governor of the Falkland Islands, oversees the territory. In 1993 Britain extended the territory’s exclusive fishing zone from 12 to 200 nautical miles (22 to 370 km). Cruise ships make regular visits to the island. The South Georgia Museum, located in the former home of a whaling-station manager, was established in 1992 and has exhibits on whaling, maritime and natural history, and Shackleton memorabilia, among other themes.

After a multiyear rat extermination effort led by the South Georgia Heritage Trust, scientists declared the island free of the Norway, or brown, rat (Rattus norvegicus) in 2018. The rats, which had arrived on South Georgia aboard sealing and whaling boats, preyed on many of the island’s birds; the rats’ ravenous appetites reduced albatross and penguin populations and nearly wiped out two of the island’s endemic birds—the South Georgia pitpit (Anthus antarcticus) and the South Georgia pintail (Anas georgica georgica).