

自1924年在法国霞慕尼(Chamonix)举办奥运会以来,跳台滑雪就已列入冬季奥运会。在1964年奥运会上增加了第二个更大的山丘之后,该项目便分裂了起来,形成了大山丘跳跃和正常(或小)山丘跳跃。比赛是在精心分级的,准备好的山丘上进行的,并根据距大多数滑雪者可以安全地着陆的起飞点的距离进行分类。大多数高级国际赛事,包括奥运会,都在120米和90米(393.7英尺和295.275英尺)的高度上进行比赛,分别是大山丘和普通山丘。在冬季奥运会上,个人和团体跳台滑雪比赛都将举行。 1925年,国际滑雪联合会(FIS)领导了世界跳台滑雪锦标赛的举办,并于1980年建立了世界杯巡回赛。直到2009年,女子才在FIS世界锦标赛上参加跳台滑雪比赛。2011年,俄罗斯索契2014年冬季奥林匹克运动会的日程安排中又增加了女子正常滑雪跳台。



The landing of a jump is made on a steep section of the hill in a more upright position, with the shock of contact taken up by the knees and hips and one ski farther forward than the other (the telemark position). After the slope levels off, the jumper stops his forward momentum by turning. In addition to the judges’ ability to lower the starting point, other precautions are taken to prevent overjumping, including limits on ski length and ski-suit thickness (thicker suits permit more air to be trapped in the suit and thereby allow for longer jumps) and rules for the placement of bindings on skis. The hills have also been altered for safety; hills are now contoured to ensure that a jumper is rarely more than 3 to 4.5 metres (10 to 15 feet) above the ground during a jump.

Competitors make two jumps. Performance is decided partly by distance covered and partly by form, on the basis of style marks awarded by five judges. Concerning distance, a jump to the K-point (where the distance from the starting point equals the height of the hill) garners a jumper 60 points, with additional points added for each metre beyond the K-point. Style points are deducted for such errors as touching the ground with a hand after landing or not landing with one foot before the other.

Ski flying is similar to ski jumping in every respect except its scoring system, which emphasizes distance over style. Under ideal conditions top contestants are capable of leaps of over 200 metres (656 feet). Ski flying is not included in the Olympics.