




该营地为以前在附近废弃的采石场提供奴隶劳动。在第一年,难民营接收了从达豪转移来的囚犯,这些囚犯主要是定罪的罪犯,还有所谓的“社会分子”,包括政治犯,同性恋者和其他人。营地后来成为包括10,000名西班牙共和党在内的整个欧洲的反纳粹拘留所。 1941年11月,苏联战俘开始抵达。第一批犹太人于1941年5月到达,但是犹太人在营地囚犯中只占少数,直到1944年,当时波兰(尤其是来自普拉索夫)和匈牙利的犹太人大大增加了营地人口。再后来,毛特豪森吸收了撤离的灭绝营地臭名昭著的死亡行军的幸存者。

All categories of prisoners carried the official instructions Rückkehr unerwünscht (“return not desired”), and the inmates were thus starved, beaten, used for medical experiments, and subjected to the most grueling work, especially in the local quarries. The Nazis delivered unruly prisoners and captured escapees from other camps to Mauthausen for punishment by beating, hard labour, shooting, or gassing.

About 200,000 prisoners passed through Mauthausen. Some 120,000 of them died, mainly from starvation, disease, and the hardships of labour. About 38,000 of the dead were Jews. Mauthausen also had a gas chamber and gas vans, and from April 1944 to January 1945 the gas chambers at nearby Hartheim Castle were also used to kill prisoners too weak to work or too “undesirable” to be kept alive. The SS fled Mauthausen shortly before American troops entered the camp on May 5, 1945.