




圣墓教堂位于耶路撒冷旧城的西北区。君士坦丁大帝首先在现场建造了一座教堂。它专用于大约336 ce,由波斯人在614年烧毁,由摩德斯图斯(Theodosius修道院的住持,616-626)修复,被哈里发al-Ḥākimbi-AmrAllāh摧毁,并于1009年被拜占庭修复君士坦丁九世莫诺马克斯。在12世纪,十字军对教堂进行了全面重建。从那时起,经常需要维修,修复和重塑。现在的教堂主要建于1810年。


This site has been continuously recognized since the 4th century as the place where Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the dead. Indeed, the Rock of Calvary, where the Crucifixion is believed to have occurred, is encased in glass at the lavish Altar of the Crucifixion and is the most-visited area within the church. Whether it is the actual location, however, has been hotly debated. It cannot be determined that Christians during the first three centuries ce could or did preserve an authentic tradition as to where these events occurred. Members of the Christian church in Jerusalem fled to Pella about 66 ce, and Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 ce. Wars, destruction, and confusion during the following centuries possibly prevented preservation of exact information. Another question involves the course of the second north wall of ancient Jerusalem. Some archaeological remains on the east and south sides of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre are widely interpreted to mark the course of the second wall. If so, the site of the church lay just outside the city wall in the time of Jesus, and this could be the actual place of his Crucifixion and burial. No rival site is supported by any real evidence.

The site is also venerated as the location where St. Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, located the True Cross of Christ’s Crucifixion. The Chapel of St. Helena was built by the Crusaders in her honour, and below it lies the Chapel of the Finding of the True Cross, in which the relic was reportedly discovered.

Various Christian groups, including the Greek, Roman, Armenian, and Coptic churches, control parts of the present church and conduct services regularly.