
大气层,前卫的匈牙利作曲家GyörgyLigeti以其密集的质地和滞留而闻名的管弦乐作品。它是由西南德国广播电台委托制作的,并于1961年10月22日在西德Donaueschingen的当代音乐节上首演。但该曲目在1968年得到了最大的听众,当时美国电影制片人Stanley Kubrick在2001年的音乐声带中使用了该曲目。 :太空漫游。尽管库布里克没有获得使用Atmosphères(或他在那部电影中使用的其他三幅Ligeti作品)的许可,但他确实在片中提到了Ligeti,电影制作人和作曲家都从配对中受益。库布里克获得了他想要的超凡脱俗的无重力听觉效果,利盖蒂的作品获得了另一场听证会和新听众。(经许可,库伯里克还使用了《发光》(1980)和《大开眼戒》(1999)中的利盖蒂作品。)




Of Atmosphères Ligeti noted that “the sonorous texture is so dense that the individual interwoven instrumental voices are absorbed into the general texture and completely lose their individuality.” Ligeti privileged combinations of sound over traditional structural rules and the expansion and development of themes. In this work, subtle shifts of tone colour are the continuing focus, producing an ever-varying tapestry of sound. The score assigns each individual string player a distinct part rather than one that duplicates other strings, and the result is haunting and vaguely dissonant. Sustained chords build tension through the gradual alteration of pitch. As Ligeti described it, “Tone colour, usually a vehicle of musical form, is liberated from form to become an independent entity.”